
Stolen Destiny ( V: 0.1.9)
Visual novel 2020

Liebrio, it’s great to hear about your project “Stolen Destiny”! Your approach to blending influences from “The Truman Show” and “Blade Runner” into a point-and-click adventure with visual novel elements sounds intriguing. The narrative premise, where the protagonist Nick faces unexpected challenges and must navigate complex decisions impacting various characters, promises a rich storytelling experience.

Your commitment to incorporating a wide range of fetishes while allowing players to customize their experience by skipping scenes they prefer not to engage with is commendable. It shows a thoughtful approach to catering to diverse player preferences.

As a first-time developer, your openness to feedback and support from the community is crucial. Building a game that resonates with players involves iteration and refining based on player interaction, so your focus on feedback is well-placed.

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